Domains Expiring Soon
Expiring Soon domains list is compiled based on the WHOIS data present in the database as at the time of compilation. The list holds names of domains with dates of expiration coming up within the next one month. You can increase or decrease the threshold in the settings section.
Review the list to decide whether to renew or drop a particular domain. Of particular interest should be the number of views and offers the domain has received, how many users have added the domain(s) to watchlist, price of comparable sales, etc.Â
Failure to renew a domain ownership time span may lead to its permanent forfeiture.Â
If you think a domain name has been listed in error (for example, domain already renewed) simply update/fetch the latest WHOIS information by performing the necessary action(s).Â
If the domain no longer belongs to you, you can as well delete it from the database altogether. Deletion is irreversible.
You can out bulk operations by selecting the domains in the list and then proceed to the necessary operation.Â